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Professional Development & Standards
Program Manager:
Julie Stonis (

The Professional Development Area includes the following branches:


Chair:  Julie Stonis

Roles and Responsibilities:

The Conference Chairperson has the following responsibilities as a member of the Professional Development program area:

  • Attend and participate in their program area and board meetings.
  • Implement conference planning procedures as specified in the CSSP Policy and Procedures Manual.

Courage to Risk

Chair: Lois Christiansen

Roles and Responsibilities:

The Courage to Risk Liaison has the following responsibilities as a member of the Professional Development program area:

  • Attend and participate in their program area and board meetings.
  • Attend monthly meetings with other organizational sponsors.
  • Select the CSSP sponsored speaker and make all arrangements regarding topic, travel, etc.
  • Recruit and make arrangements for conference volunteers.
  • Assist with “stuffing packets” and arrange for other volunteers.
  • Write an article regarding the conference for the CSSP newsletter.


Chair: Kristen Arnold

Roles and Responsibilities:

The Professional Relations Chairperson has the following responsibilities as a member of the Professional Development program area:

  • Attend and participate in their program area and board meetings.
  • Create a written document outlining the opportunities and process for nominating and electing CSSP’s officers.
  • Provide the above document to the Publications Chairperson for inclusion in newsletter prior to elections.
  • Select committee members to assist in carrying out the necessary tasks of the committee.
  • Announce nomination procedures at the annual conference, publish them in the newsletter immediately preceding the nominations/elections deadlines, list them on the association website and email members.
  • Collect statements created by the candidates related to their qualifications and backgrounds.
  • Work with the Publications chairperson to coordinate the dissemination of information about the candidate if publication deadlines coincide with nomination and election deadlines.
  • A secured online voting system will be designated as the primary system with direct mail serving as an alternative ballot mode should conditions necessitate.
  • Open ballots with the president-elect (or appointee) after the deadline.
  • Call candidates directly to inform them of election results prior to informing the Council/membership
  • Present the proposed slate of officers to the Executive Council via email.
  • Announce the results of elections to the membership via listserv and website.
  • Coordinate all activities related to the Declaration of School Psychology Week.
  • Solicit nominations for and facilitate selection of Colorado School Psychologist of the Year and other awards presented by CSSP.
  • Coordinate submission of School Psychologist of Year candidate paperwork for NASP School Psychologist of the Year.
  • Work with conference committee regarding public relations information and/or items to be distributed at conference as well as the presentation of the School Psychologist of the Year award.

CDE Representative

Krista Klabo

Roles and Responsibilities:

The CDE representative has the following responsibilities as a member of the Professional Standards program area:

  • Attend and participate in their program area and board meetings.
  • Communicate with the CSSP Executive Council and members regarding issues at the state department that would be of interest and concern to the CSSP leadership to promote a proactive approach to school psychology in the state of Colorado.
  • Write an article for each CSSP newsletter.
  • Discuss ethical issues related to the practice of school psychology and state legal mandates with the University Trainers.
  • Discuss current state and federal legal issues as well as proposed changes with the Legislative Committee & GPR Chairs.
  • Serve on CSSP ad hoc committees as appointed by the President.
  • Volunteer to assist with activities at the annual conference as stipulated through contact with the Conference chairperson.

Student Representatives

Charlsey Coyle:
Emma Slatter:

Nancy Potter:

Colleen McDonough:
Mackenzie Swart:

Roles and Responsibilities: Student Representatives have the following responsibilities as members of the Professional Development program area:

  • Attend and participate in their program area and board meetings.
  • Act as a liaison between students in their training program and CSSP for the purpose of receiving support, identifying issues and integrating into the profession of school psychology.
  • Bring forward issues, concerns, and questions identified by students in their program to the board.
  • Assist as a volunteer at CSSP’s fall conference.
  • Serve on the scholarship silent auction team which is chaired by the Student/New Practitioner Representative, and work as support staff for all areas needed for the auction (raffle tickets, set up, etc.).

university Trainers

Amy McDiarmid: 

Jacque Anderson:

Franci Crepeau-Hobson:

Roles and Responsibilities:

University Trainers have the following responsibilities as members of the Professional Standards program area:

  • Attend and participate in their program area and board meetings.
  • Act as a liaison between CSSP and Colorado training programs in order to strengthen collaborative efforts with regard to professional standards and development opportunities for school psychologists.
  • Identify and discuss research and training needs that could be fulfilled in collaboration with CSSP.
  • Create and maintain a list (with contact information including email addresses) of all trainers in their school psychology training programs.
  • Provide above list to Technology Chairperson and/or webmaster for creation of a listserv.
  • Address issues raised by members related to practice in non-school settings via the website and forwarded by the Technology chair as appropriate.
  • Responsible for defining ethical standards and for responding promptly and completely to all ethical informal inquiries.
  • Collaborate with Legislative and CDE representatives on ethical issues as they arise.
  • In the event that an ethical complaint is received, a referral to the appropriate licensure body will be made (e.g. CDE, DORA).
  • Review research proposals requesting access to the CSSP membership for participation. Review must include ensuring that appropriate IRB approval has been received and that the research aligns with the mission of CSSP. Forward approved requests to Technology chair for dissemination.

  • Volunteer to assist with activities at the annual conference as stipulated through contact with the Conference chairperson.

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P.O. Box 460091
Aurora, CO 

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